Wednesday, February 23, 2011

6 weeks to 10 years

this week's entry is a bit different from the norm, in that it is not in a letter form, nor a poem. it is in the form of a pamphlet-just like those missionary discussions we used to teach way back when:)so, yes-he took the time to make a "special pamphlet" for me.

entry #5 june 25, 1996

Title: New Study Guide #1 for the Sinners (did i mention how compassionate he is?)

Question: Have you written your missionary this week? (again, i never said he was my missionary)

It's true, not all the world chooses to follow Jesus. The first step is repentance.(remember, he's chastising me for not writing him-whatever) The second step is to obey all of God's commandments.(hmmm, funny-i don't recall writing to mason as being one of those commandments)And the third step is, sacrifice brings blessings. We must be sincerely ready to give all that He writing Elder Patterson. (uh, ok) The 2 greatest commandments: Love God, and write to Mason. (the first one yes, the second one is questionable...)

this guy's nuts! ...or am i nuts? afterall, i married him:)


bethy said...

Cute! But I thought the first step was faith. Well, I guess since the doctrine is qustionable he can make his own rules. hee,hee! :)

Pattersons said...

i know right bethany!?:) crazy guy!

Lynn said...
