Tuesday, March 3, 2009

the verdict is in...

we're having a GIRL!!! mese was a little disappointed:) but we're all so excited to be having another girl join our family. mason didn't get his wish either...he was hoping for a balance of powers, or in other/his words, "less dealings with feelings and more dealings with sense". he's such a boy:) and congratulations to mese & anna on their beautiful little girl gwen, she arrived this morning!!!


Anita Ann said...

Congrats! Is there a name yet?

ME ;) said...

How cute! I have a lot of little baby clothes I need to get rid of! Mostly onesies and sleepers but I have two huge bags full!! I'll have to bring them with me if I come visit this summer. Tell Mese and Anna congrats for us!! Kiss the babies. Love you guys!

KC and DL said...

Yay! I love girls! :)

{Erica} said...

YAY girls rock! Congrats!

Love Mason's comment too :)

Congrats to Mese and Anna!

Gabriela Hull said...

It's a year for girls! I'm so happy for everyone.

Lynn said...

That's great news for both you guys and Mese and Anna! Yay for sweet, emotional little girls.