Thursday, January 22, 2009

johanna jr. in training?

most of you know of my extreme liking of anything sweet when i'm pregnant. yesterday i bought a package of oreos. not good. by the end of the night, i think i ate 2/3 of the cookies. and yes, my thoughts turned to my good friend johanna, and how she just loves oreo cookies. will i ever be as good as her and finish off a package all to myself? only time will tell, but i'll sure give it my best:)


The Expatts said...

Haha, way to go Baby Patterson! :) Sounds like a yummy craving :)

{Erica} said...

I LOOOVE oreos...double stuff.

I have been known to finish off a whole package to myself...but not in a day..that'd be very imipressive!

ME ;) said...

Um.. at least you didn't eat a whole pumpkin pie with extra cool whip on top to yourself!! I did that during the holidays and I'm NOT pregnant!!! AND to make matters worse-- I was watching the BIGGEST LOSER!!!! so.. the calories don't count when your WATCHING people work-out right?!!

johanna said...

My mouth is watering right now!!! We need to get together, each with our own bag, and eat them all until they are gone! They simply make me happy. I can actually finish a bag off in an hour!

anna marie said...
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Lamese "Mese" Ugapo II said...

WEEEAAAK! I could eat a pack of Oreos before I even wake up in the morning.

jen said...

oh man, you're funny. when i'm pregnant i crave salty. which is SO opposite of my norm. i am normally known as the candy queen. not anymore! it crazy what pregnancy does to you.

KC and DL said...

Oreo's are delish. I wouldn't have imagined healthy Johanna would have such capabilities. Can I join? ;)