Thursday, January 22, 2009

game night, take II

mason had class again tonight so it made for a very long day. we're without a vehicle til mason gets his car fixed, so that left us with nothing to i thought. i was tired of watching movies and then i remembered christine sent us one of my favorite games-encore. how bad could it be playing a music game with a 6, 4, and 2 yr. old? i tried to explain it to the kids and surprisingly, they weren't too shabby. of course, most of the songs they came up with were primary songs(they are learning something on sundays:). and they did come up with some good christmas songs while trying desperately to make up some of their own. they were good sports, even when my voice got a little loud-i'm still working on the patience thing. i don't know...cable for $12.44 a month is sounding good to me right now.


Carrie-kins said...

aw man you should of told me cuz i would have played a few rounds...that's it sunday nite maybe tomorrow we'll play:)

Anita Ann said...

games with kids are always interesting

ME ;) said...

Cable is that cheap in Banning? LOL.

The Expatts said...

You are so gumptious to try games with your kids! I love the idea... Call us next time you need someone to play-- we ARE close and everything, now :)

KC and DL said...

You are a good mom. Games with my kids usually leave me feeling claustrophobic and in pain. I am just not patient enough.

Anna and Bryce said...

$ 12.44 for cable??? what in the world--->> having no cable rocks....yeah right. who am i kidding- it kinda sucks! ha ha i feel your pain

Lynn said...

You are so brave to always attempt the game thing. I don't even have the patience to start one.