Thursday, December 4, 2008

pearly whites

apparently this was the week for teeth happenings in our home. mason's wretched toothache turned into a root canal, of which i'm happy to report he's doing much better(thanks for all your positive thoughts). and mese lost his first tooth this week. he must have been good because the tooth fairy left 4 quarters under his pillow-he was stoked. he purchased 2 sets of erasers and a christmas pencil from the school library with his stash. and sila had a dentist appt. this week for 2 problem right? i could never have been so wrong. we opted not to go with the "magic air" because last time she used it, it made her hyper(nitrous oxide or laughing gas is supposed to help you relax-go figure) so when the dental assistant asked me if she'd be using it today i said no. i didn't think sila needed it-she's a strong girl, she can handle it. (and a side note, the use of "magic air" is quite costly, $90 a sitting.) well they started doing their stuff and as soon as the drill started up, sila was in tears, crying that it hurt-but of course, it was too late, no going back now. so i held her hand, told her repeatedly that she'd be allright and to stop screaming, kicking, and moving her hands. it was not fun. the whole ordeal lasted about 5-7 minutes, but that's 5-7 minutes too long for me, thank you very much. so, what's the lesson learned? well, there's lots here. 1) cut back on sweets. 2)brush regularly, even when i don't feel like helping her. 3) rinse and floss. and 4) when in doubt, go for the "magic air" and go without groceries for a few weeks.


ME ;) said...

Wow-quite the dental experience week at your house. My girls' Dr. told me to give them a lil' benedryl before flying so they'll fall asleep and the pressure won't hurt their ears- He failed to mention that some kids react OPPOSITE with drowsy meds. It was like flying with a hyper raging drunk. I would've been better off giving MYSELF the benedryl.

Jayme said...

Sounds like a busy week. Glad Masons tooth is feeling better. Root canals are no fun. I know all about the majic saved Sabrina.

{Erica} said...

OUCH!! She must be one tough kid to do that...I'd for sure be kicking and screaming too!

Root canals suck rocks too. Bret had one a few months back. Say goodbye to $1350!! (another ouch :D)

I always feel guilty when I take my girls in. They have yet to get a cavity but they always ask if they floss and I very quietly say no..I mean it's hard enough to get them to brush properly! So good for you if you make your kids floss!

jen said...

wow, i'm not looking forward to those dentist trips with alyssa. i better get into the habit now, huh. my problem is i like the sweets too much too!