Monday, January 24, 2011

10 weeks to 10 years

in 10 weeks, mason & i will be celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary. so much has happened and i find myself(often) staring at this man i married sooooo long ago:)while many thoughts come to mind and memories that we've shared. i've been looking back at what it was that made me fall in love with him and i thought i'd share some of these thoughts and memories with you. i know, how did you get so lucky?:) well, before mason and i even started dating(after missions when i actually liked him), we went on dates-meaning, he asked me(because he liked me) and i said yes(i so didn't like him) and i didn't want to be rude. for those of you who don't know, mason is a poet. he writes all kinds of poems and he has written many for me through the years...surprisingly, i've kept all of them! (i guess this is proof that maybe, deep, way deep down inside, i did like him)and he's written me several letters during his college, mission years. so, i thought i'd share some of these with you so you too can come to know the man that took my heart away forever.

entry #1 date: february 1996

dear melina,
i know you're the one who really wants to hug me. but don't worry i'll be back and you can worship the ground i walk on once again...
thank you for finally writing to me now i am only praying the lord breaks your legs. if you send more letters your chances of working onto my after mission dating list will get better. anyway, write punk...
even christine & lauraine write to me. you are just not being righteous enough

i know, i can i not fall in love with a man who has such a way with words?!:)


Gloua said...

Ha ha ha ha I was expecting some crazy poem! ha ha ha that was more fitting though! Love you guys!

xóchitl said...

you're right, his words are completely intoxicating. how do you live with someone who has such passion for the pen? you are so funny Melina.

Congrats on 10 years! So happy for you both.

{Erica} said...

I especially love the lovely words of love in the sentence "I'm only praying the Lord breaks your legs"....or what about "You are just not being righteous enough" :)

He's a keeper for sure!

The Expatts said...

Spoken like a Patterson boy. Then again, there is a lot of that that is pure Mason :) Funny!

Darcy and Shawn Patterson said...

Thanks funny... why was he praying the Lord breaks your legs?" Although, I heard that phrase the first time I met Mason. It went something like: "If you hurt my brother, I'll break your legs." Nice! :)

Lynn said...

I think there is some very strong common thread among the Banning boys...their unique and unfortunately irresistable sense of humor. I never would have married Ben if I didn't know that I would at least laugh my entire life. And you have to admit, they come with some other endearing qualities as well. Some.