Monday, April 12, 2010

lesson learned

we've noticed lately that when our kids pray, they say the same things over and over again. we told them it's ok to pray for other things besides the usual stuff like family, safety etc. and it's ok to give thanks for other blessings we receive. the lesson being, let's try a little harder to think of others. with that said, mese's request during family prayer this morning was a bit insightful.

mese: "...and bless us(the kids) that we'll listen to she won't be angry."



Gabriela Hull said...

That's funny! So was his prayer answered? Did they listen today?

Christine said...

He should have blessed Aunt Christine, I'm trying to not get so mad at the kids' antics. :) What a good boy that he phrased it that way, wanting to be more obedient.

{Erica} said...

ha! See that is something that is said in EVERY prayer at our house :) and I'm grateful for the prayer cause I need all the help I can get...

bethy said...

That is funny! I love kids, they have a great way of keeping us grounded.