Tuesday, July 14, 2009

mother of all mondays

here are the happenings of yesterday in a nutshell:

*woke up to a cracking/dropping sound of the jar of whipped honey on my tile floor(kids didn't want cheerios for breakfast-instead, honey sandwiches was the breakfast of choice) nice start to my day, i know.
*loaded the kids up in the van to head to costco and realized the van had been "broken" into. we left it unlocked-cd's, dvd, change was stolen and the dvd player would've been taken as well if the culprit didn't hear someone/something: he left the knife in the van. fun.
*got the above said taken care of and headed to costco and drove right past a blazing fire on the 60 fwy-hot.
*got all the way to costco and realized i had forgotten my purse at home. nice.
*mason calls me and tells me how he was almost a witness to a potential shoot-out on the way to work that morning. can it get any better?
* and to top it all off-it was mese's 7th birthday-that was the best part of my day:)

needless to say, it was an interesting start to my week. and i really did wake up thinking...it's going to be a good day.


Vivian Campbell said...

oh wow! I hope everything will turnout great for the rest of the week!

Gabriela Hull said...

That is the mother of all Mondays! Hope the week is going better!

Lynn said...

Wow! That's terrible. All of it - except for the bday part and the honey sanwiches part - we eat pb and honey for breakfast all the time. (Then we have them again for lunch) Even though you had some brushes with disaster I"m pretty sure you guys have some attentive angels around you at all times. Too bad they cant help you out when you forget your purse.