Thursday, July 16, 2009

3 hours

yesterday i woke up and was determined to potty train nani...yesterday after 3 hours i gave up.
there's always next month, right?


Grace said...

I've decided that potty training is for the birds. Tess is just going to have to get use to wearing diapers. Maybe eventually I'll teach her to change her own diaper!! Thats a great idea!!

Erin said...

Good try...I am glad I am not there yet. Are you guys going to Idaho?

ME ;) said...

Aw keep it up. We stopped mentioning it to Analia for about a month and she just decided on her own after our trip to Cali that she didn't want diapers any more.As long as she knows how and gets the concept..its just a waiting game.You did your part by teaching her- now its up to Nani.It won't be too much longer now...its such a releif tho when it finally happens.Love you.Good luck.

Lynn said...

I thought this post was funny. And now for some advice. (Not that I think you need any - you've potty trained more kids than I have but I'll give it anyway) Don't make potty training a "thing" just switch over to underwear and go. Just make the change, don't give her any crutches - except for diapers at night - who wants to wash sheets everyday. There will be accidents but eventually she'll just get it. It can take time to undo tha "habit" of just going whenever wherever like she's done her whole life till now, but once she grasps the phisiologic concept of holding it then she will be glad to use the potty consistently. On the other hand. Having to stop to take a kid to the bathroom all the time might be more annoying than the occasional diaper change.