Tuesday, July 22, 2008

yum yum!

on our way home last night, we went thru mcdonald's drive-thru for some ice cream cones; nani had a cookie. this is what i heard...

nani: mama, want ice cream!
mese: no nani, you have a cookie.
mom: mese just give her a little bit of your ice cream.
mese: ok nani-just a little bit.
3 seconds later...
mese: look mom! now i have cookies & cream!

apparently nani's cookie crumbs from her mouth relocated onto mese's ice cream cone and mese had such a positive attitude about it!


KC and DL said...

wow what a good sport! you have cute kiddos.. so I'm all for a beach trip. lets do it!

Carrie-kins said...

i luv my nieces and nephews!

Christine said...

What a good kid!

Lynn said...

that is cute. the glass is half full! a lesson we can all learn from. i'll try to remember that next time ben takes a gigantic bite of whatever i'm eating.