Thursday, April 30, 2009


upon leaving the dr.'s office this morning, sila asks mason whether or not we're on our way home.

mason:yes, we're going home to have lunch. i'm going to make pbj(peanut butter & jelly) for nani and turkey sandwich for sila.

sila: yes! that's how i live-only the best chocolate...and some meat!

we've taught her well.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

she's here!

luana marie patterson was born on monday, april 27, 2009-just one week shy of her duedate. she was 6 lbs. 13.5 oz. and 20 in. long with black...HAIR!:) most people say she looks like sila-i agree. mason will post pics. soon. welcome lulu!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

my new addiction

mcdonald's freshly brewed hot chocolate with whipped cream and chocolate syrup on top-mmm...mmm...good! i've had 3 cups this week:)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

not yet...darnit

i'm only 50% effaced which means i'm halfway there...but not close enough to be induced-yuck. i don't think i'll last til the planned induction next tuesday-but we'll see. i guess luana will come when she wants to, right. or maybe i should start running.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

quand? wann? quando? when?

i'm really hoping to be awakened in the middle of the night by some strong would be nice. don't know if i can hold out til wednesday...i can but i'd prefer not to and just go on my own, so as to avoid the whole epidural-but whatever, i'll take what i can get as long as all goes well and the baby is fine. but wouldn't it be nice to know when?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

good news just got better

original due date: may 4
moved it up to april 28
now...due date has been moved up to april 22...can you say YAY!!! reason???
dr. doesn't want the baby to get too big...say what? come again? are you talking about MY baby? getting too big? i had to laugh:) but i'm still grateful.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

one of my favorite holidays

i love easter. i love the feel and hope of it and the good feelings along with much gratitude that i have when i think of the many blessings i have in my life-all made possible because of jesus christ. he is the center of our lives and we are so happy because of it. everything good we have or experience is because of him and we are thankful.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


today marks 8 years of marriage for mason and i. are 8 reasons(of many) why i'm thankful to be married to the love of my life.
1. he's honest in every way-a big plus in my book.
2. he loves me unconditionally and shows it.
3. he helps me wholeheartedly and with great love, raise our beautiful children.
4. he gives all of himself to me, the kids, and others.
5. he's strong and makes me feel safe when i'm with him.
6. he loves the lord and his actions show it.
7. he loves his fellowmen and tries to help as best he can, when he can.
8. he's given me so much to be thankful for simply because he loves me.

8 years ago i made a choice...and it was the best one yet! happy anniversary honey and i love you always:)

Monday, April 6, 2009

good news

saw my dr. today and he's penciling me in for april 28th-yes, if i don't go in before then, i'm going to be induced! i'm so glad-i was just telling someone the other day i didn't know if i could last another 4 weeks...and frankly, i was silently wishing i could have her a week early-i guess wishes do come true:)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

when will it end?

i don't know how many more times i can take strangers telling me what a cute little boy i have! yes, they're talking about my nani girl. i mean, i know she has very little hair but come on-when she's wearing green polka dots with bows and dora shoes, can you really mistake her for a boy, or are they just not paying attention? or maybe it's because i'm a mother, i take the time to examine all details: color of clothing, blankets, shoes, socks, etc., BEFORE i open my mouth and determine the gender-and if i'm not sure, i just ask. that's ok to do also. maybe this next baby will have tons of hair...but then i'll dress her in pink and ribbons from head to toe and some non-attentive stranger will probably still tell me what a cute little guy i have.