Wednesday, May 6, 2009

we will survive

it's been one week since we brought luana home from the hospital and so good! we've had a few sleepless nights but due to the help of my awesome and super in every way mother in law, i think it's safe to say that mason and i are going to make it:) it was so wonderful to have dixie here to help keep the other 3 children happy, not to mention the housework she did so that we didn't get buried in piles of clothes, toys, and dirty dishes. she was a lifesaver and we're so grateful for her help and support-thanks mom and we love you.
i've said this before and i'll say it again, mason and i have always been fortunate to have good people around us who are kind and willing to give help and support to our family. our family here and friends were so kind to bring meals over while i was recovering and they also offered to take my kids and keep they happy-how did we become so blessed?! the meals were divine and the gesture itself, remarkable-because it showed us how much you care and how lucky we are to have you in our lives. for all of you(you know who you are) we are grateful and we love you. thank you for showing us you care.


Lynn said...

She is beautiful! She does look like Sila - I wonder if she will have Sila's personality - If so, you and Mason had better look out. They just might take over.

I love her chocolate comment. And I can't wait to try McD's hot choc. Unfortunatly we are there way to often lately.

So glad she came safe an sound. I got you comments and it just hit me that you probably had your baby! Where does the time go...

jen said...

how wonderful!